In many games using really money (gold in this game) is a way to progress faster than waiting to obtain in game currency (cash). In this game you will eventually hit a point where cash no longer matters and you are essentially forced to spend real money if you would like to improve your team. There are no options to exchange cash for gold. My cash now is spent on wishing for player improvements by acquiring enough second round picks in order to cross my fingers and hope I can get a good first round pick. I gave two stars because I really enjoyed the game in the beginning when there were improvements to accomplish and weekly events for good rewards. However, now that I am at the point where I literally cant improve my team without spending money I have little fun. Blitz is pointless because it takes gold to make gold and cash tournaments only give you more cash or an average player that likely wont start for your team. If there were more options to spend cash in order to obtain gold or a simple exchange rate that would be a huge improvement but I doubt that would ever happen.
S1l3ntR3v3ri3s about Tap Sports Football, v1.2.1