Ive played this game for almost a year now and loved it simplicity. HOWEVER as I got further in the game the matchmaking became much more poor. The worst part is that any player can challenge you and you dont have the ability to decline. This means if a player much better than you continues to rematch you, they always win. If you choose not to play back, the game times out and they still win. Even if you dont open the game on the next rematch... You still lose the game. This has made me DELETE THE GAME after playing religiously for almost a year. What a shame. I used to recommend the game to all my friends... And now I recommend NO ONE DOWNLOAD IT AT ALL until they fix this problem. It makes the game horribly unfair and the developers should have fixed such a simple problem by now. Guess they dont care much about the game anymore. Smh.
mikelikesiphoneshit1414 about Tap Sports Football, v1.2.1